A gift to Immunodeficiency UK in your will could make all the difference. When people decide to leave a gift in their will (sometimes called a legacy) to a charity they’ve supported throughout their lifetime, they can continue to help a cause that’s close to their hearts. The donation can be as small or as large as you like – every gift can make a big difference.
We understand your loved ones come first, and that you may wish to take care of family and friends before considering a gift to Immunodeficiency UK in your will. If you are considering leaving a gift to Immunodeficiency UK, however, please read our advice below.
Legacies are vital in helping to achieve our aims, and a gift of any size is gratefully received. You don’t need to be wealthy. It costs nothing now to leave a gift in your will, and gifts of all amounts are hugely appreciated. Leaving a gift to Immunodeficiency UK in your will may give you deep satisfaction in knowing that your support will live on into the future.
How your gift could help
Helping the immunodeficiency community is what Immunodeficiency UK is all about. We do this by having a phone and email helpline, providing clear, practical information and advice on all aspects of living with an immune deficiency.
Your gift will make it possible for Immunodeficiency UK to continue being there for those affected in the years to come.
How do I leave a gift?
Leaving a gift in your will to Immunodeficiency UK is easier than you might think – just follow the steps below.
1. If you don’t have a will, then we recommend that you speak to a solicitor. They will advise you on what your will should contain to ensure your wishes are carried out.
2. Provide your solicitor with details of Immunodeficiency UK by downloading this document. This is most important as it will ensure that we are properly identified in the will and there will be no confusion over which charity your gift is intended to benefit.
What should I do if I already have a will?
If you have already made a will, then you can change it by asking your solicitor to add a ‘codicil’. A codicil is a simple legal document that changes the existing will. As a codicil is a formal legal document, it must comply with certain formalities to be valid. Don’t forget to take along the details of PID UK with you to the solicitor.
What types of gift can I make?
There are three ways you can consider remembering Immunodeficiency UK in your will.
- A residuary gift – this is a percentage share of your estate, once other specific legacies and claims against the estate have been settled.
- A pecuniary gift – this is a fixed sum of money expressed as a gift in your will
- A specific item – the gift of a specific item (a car, painting, property, etc.).
Download our information sheet containing an explanation of the legal terms associated with a will.
Do I need to inform Immunodeficiency UK of my intention to leave a legacy?
We will never pressure you to tell us your decision about leaving a gift to Immunodeficiency UK. Anything you do tell us is confidential and is not legally binding. If you would like to notify us that a gift will be being left, then please get in touch with us.
Find out more
If you would like more information, or would like a friendly chat about leaving a gift in your will, please see our guidance document or email: hello@immunodeficiencyuk.org, or call 0800 987 8988.