This webpage summarises the changes in immunoglobulin product supply in 2025.
Why is this happening?
The changes are due to the start of a new framework agreement between the NHS in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland*, and IG suppliers and introduce a new IVIG product, Gamten, manufactured by Octapharma, from UK-sourced plasma.
*Wales is not part of the new framework, having its own contractual agreements with IG suppliers.
What are frameworks?
Frameworks are public contracts awarded following a competitive tendering procedure. The new IG framework will be in place from 1 April 2025 to 31 December 2027, with an option to extend for a period of up to 15 months. The framework will introduce changes in IG brand availability that will be applied across all medical specialities including immunology, haematology, neurology and infectious diseases.
What this means for you
You may not be affected by this change if the supplier listed below has been awarded a contract as part of the new framework. However, the implementation of the new 2025 framework does mean significant numbers of patients will have to change IG brands this year.
We have been informed that the NHS is working with nurses, clinicians, pharmacists, and home care delivery companies to ensure the transition works smoothly. Immunodeficiency UK understands you will be contacted by your clinical team if you are affected, with the timing of switching your IG product depending on your healthcare team’s capacity and the type of product you are on. Patients on subcutaneous products have until the end of 2025 to switch if that is required, whereas intravenous therapy patients will switch sooner.
All IG products are considered safe and equally effective, but change often introduces anxiety amongst patients, their carers or families. Immunodeficiency UK is committed to making sure patients have the necessary information to have informed discussions with their clinical teams.

Our leaflet on switching immunoglobulin (IG) products may help address your concerns about switching products while supporting clinical discussions concerning this process.
The changes
The NHS England communications team has provided us with information below for patients. We have added a note in parentheses [ ] to provide more context and links to further information.
In 2025, there will be several changes to the supply of Immunoglobulin (IG) products aimed at increasing self-sufficiency and ensuring more reliable product availability.
New Immunoglobulin Framework (April 2025)
In April 2025, a new framework for the supply of IG will be launched, comprising three main suppliers to cover the demand for IG products. This framework streamlines and strengthens the supply chain while ensuring that patient needs are met efficiently and securely.
Introduction of New Brand: Gamten 10% IVIg (Q1 2025)
Alongside the new framework, a new IG product, Gamten 10% IVIg, will be introduced in early 2025. This product is manufactured using the same process as Octagam 10%, but using plasma donated within the UK. Using domestically sourced plasma to manufacture plasma-derived medicinal products will improve the resilience of the NHS supply chain and enable the health service to better withstand global disruption.
The following suppliers and brands have been awarded:

Changes to Product Supply: Patient Impact and Brand Switching
The new framework and awarded products will require some patients to switch to a different treatment brand.
If there is a clear clinical reason that a patient cannot be treated with an awarded product, your clinician can seek approval for the continuation of your existing medication.
[Immunodeficiency UK understands that the eligibility of a ‘clinical reason’ and the ‘approval for continuation of existing treatment’ are undefined. The information on eligibility will be published and should be made available to patients, patient groups and clinicians once approved].
To support patients who are maintained on their existing product, suppliers who were not successful in securing an award on the framework will be designated as reserve supplier status.
The following suppliers and brands have been designated as reserve suppliers:

Where a patient is identified as suitable for switching between brands, they will be contacted by a member of their clinical team. Patients’ treatment frequency and dosing will remain in line with national clinical guidelines [see link below] and patients will be monitored to ensure the product is well tolerated with no adverse clinical outcomes. It is anticipated that patients treated with IVIG will be switched by no later than September 2025, and patients on SCIG will be switched by no later than December 2025.
Further information:
On changes to the IG framework from 1st April 2025
- Statement from the company CSL Behring regarding these changes and their commitment to the UK market, dated 9th January 2024.
This statement is now unavailable due to compliance issues. The document was only approved for use with patient organisations and Members of Parliament and not for wider public dissemination. The statement will be updated shortly.
On the collection of UK plasma and UK plasma-derived immunoglobulin product:
- NHS Blood and Transplant Service Update: Delivery of UK Plasma to be made into life-saving medicines. 11/9/24.
- Statement on the UK Plasma for Medicines Programme from NHS England’s Medicines Procurement and Supply Chain (MPSC) team. 21/8/24.
NHS Scotland resources:
Dated 4th February 2025.